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Start or expand your career at Axis!

We are always seeking talented professionals to join our workforce. 

Current openings

Clinical Software Support Analyst

We are seeking a Software Support Technician to join our team supporting clinical and technical staff in the use and success of our software. Candidates will be trained on our software applications and support technology to help our customers with using  ... continue reading

Software Implementation Project Manager

This role manages customer implementations, system integrations, and data conversion projects. The implementation manager works closely with the customer support and product management teams to coordinate resources. resolve customer issues, and assure product development aligns with customer needs. ... continue reading

Intersystems Caché Developer

The Caché developer will play an integral role in in the development and User Experience of a clinical outcomes management system. The Principal project is developing a new web-based application using InterSystems CSP technology to replace our Visual Basic 6 application. This developer will need to understand the older style MUMPS language and help us refactor ... continue reading

To apply or make a general employment inquiry

To apply for a current opening or to make a general employment inquiry, please send us your resume with cover letter. If you are applying for a current opening, be sure to indicate the job title. Mail to:

Employment Opportunities
Axis Clinical Software Inc.
PO Box 25512
Portland, OR 97298

Or email your resume and cover letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.